What do these reforms look like?

Reading Targets

Establish ambitious but achievable reading proficiency targets

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Reform 1

Teacher education and professional development

Ensure high quality, evidence-based approaches are embedded in initial qualification training and professional development for teachers

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Reform 2

Teaching standards

Explicitly outline the skills and knowledge required by teachers in standards which are linked to accreditation for both pre-service and in-service teachers

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Reform 3

Evidence benchmarks

Assist teachers in curating and updating curriculum and classroom practice materials against robust scientific research

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Reform 4

Screening and progress monitoring

Facilitate the early identification of students who require support and track progress in reading skills through national implementation of the Year 1 Phonics Check and national screening in the first year of high school

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Reform 5


Ensure all students receive high quality literacy instruction and that students who require intervention have equity of access to, and participation in, appropriate support services in a timely manner

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Reform 6